August 30, 2024

Presidential Solarisation Programme Commences in Zimbabwe

The Zimbabwean government has launched the Presidential Solarisation Programme to equip rural households with solar systems. Spearheaded by RIDA, this initiative aligns with the Rural Development 8.0 Strategy and Vision 2030.

Approval of the Presidential Solarisation Programme

The Zimbabwean government recently approved the Presidential Solarisation Programme. This groundbreaking initiative aims to equip every rural household across the country with solar systems. The project is part of the broader Rural Development 8.0 Strategy. Its goal is to uplift rural livelihoods, enhance agricultural productivity, and boost food security.

Rural solar panel installation Zimbabwe

The Presidential Solarisation Programme aims to provide every rural household in Zimbabwe with solar power, enhancing livelihoods and agricultural productivity.

The Rural Infrastructure Development Agency (RIDA) is spearheading this project. The programme aligns with the Second Republic's rural industrialisation drive. This initiative is seen as a key intervention. It will boost domestic productivity and create employment opportunities in rural communities. These efforts contribute significantly to the attainment of Vision 2030.

The Rural Development 8.0 Strategy

The Rural Development 8.0 programme is more than just a name. It is a series of outcome-based and impact-oriented Presidential interventions. These interventions aim to uplift communities, making Vision 2030 attainable.

The programme underscores the importance of rural industrialisation. It is one of the key interventions under the Second Republic led by President Mnangagwa. The goal is clear: boost domestic productivity and widen employment opportunities in rural areas.

The Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development launched the Rural Development 8.0 model. This model aims to eradicate poverty in all its forms. It addresses food and water poverty through a nexus of agricultural development, rural industrialisation, and rural development.

This approach is anchored on a simple yet powerful observation. Development originating from the agricultural sector is twice as effective at lifting people out of poverty as other sectors. No country has transitioned from a low-income economy to a middle- or upper-middle-income one without increasing agricultural productivity.

The Role of Solarisation in Rural Development

Dr Jenfan Muswere, Minister of Information, Publicity, and Broadcasting Services, highlighted the significance of the Presidential Solarisation Project. He stated that the project — set to benefit remote locations — does not require extensive grid infrastructure. Instead, it will build resilient communities by using non-polluting green energy sources.

The Cabinet approved the Presidential Solarisation Project as presented by the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs and Devolution, Honourable Lovemore Matuke. The project aims to promote the rural industrialisation agenda and the realisation of the Rural Development 8.0 Strategy. It will do so by expanding solar-powered infrastructure.

The benefits of the Presidential Solarisation Projects are far-reaching. They include a piped water system, nutrition gardening, livestock watering, and household power for domestic purposes. These benefits are essential for improving the quality of life in rural communities.

Implementation of the Presidential Solar Scheme

Under the Presidential Solar Scheme, solar panels will be rented and installed on the rooftops of rural households. This will come at no cost to the homeowners. The solar energy harnessed through these panels will be integrated into the national grid.

Each rural household will be equipped with a solar system. This system will power electrical appliances. Additionally, the solar-powered water system will use a submersible pump. This will enhance agricultural productivity and food security.

Participation in the scheme also brings a host of incentives. Zesa, Zimbabwe's electricity supply authority, has committed to suspending load-shedding in areas enrolled under the programme. Additionally, homeowners will receive a token of appreciation.

The Presidential Solarisation Programme is more than just a project. It is a vision for the future of Zimbabwe's rural communities. It is a critical step toward achieving Vision 2030. With its focus on solarisation, rural industrialisation, and agricultural productivity, the programme is set to transform rural Zimbabwe. The future looks bright for Zimbabwe's rural communities, thanks to the power of solarisation.

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