September 24, 2024

Residents Reap Benefits from the 30MW Gorou Banda Solar Farm in Niger

The Gorou Banda Solar Farm — a 30MW solar power station with over 55,000 panels — is now the largest solar facility in Niger, providing clean energy to Niamey and nearby regions. It has played a crucial role in addressing electricity shortages after Nigeria halted power supply following the July coup, last year.

55,000 Solar Panels Installed

The Gorou Banda Solar Farm is bringing new energy to Niamey, Niger. This 30MW solar power station has transformed the lives of many residents since its commissioning in September last year. With more than 55,000 solar panels, the Gorou Banda Solar Farm is now the largest solar energy facility in Niger.

One of the key benefits of the solar farm is its ability to compensate for the electricity shortages that have plagued Niger for months. After Nigeria stopped supplying electricity to Niger following the July coup, the Gorou Banda Solar Farm provided a much-needed alternative.

The project is run by Niger's electricity company, Nigelec. The energy company has worked hard to bring improvements to the power supply in the capital, Niamey, and the surrounding regions. It represents a major step forward in the country's drive toward clean and reliable energy.

Solar Power Transforms Communities

For many residents in Niamey, the impact of the Gorou Banda Solar Project has been profound. Hazifou Maiga — a resident of the city — expressed his appreciation for the benefits of solar electricity. Before the solar plant was operational, power cuts were common, and households struggled to perform daily activities.

Maiga shared how solar power has changed his life. There is now a consistent electricity supply, allowing families to perform tasks that were difficult before. He pointed out how students can now study at night without disruption.

Business owners, like Boubacar Soumana Souna, have also experienced the advantages of the Gorou Banda Solar Farm. Souna runs a store in Niamey, and prior to the solar plant, he spent a significant amount of money on fuel for generators.

This was essential to keep his products refrigerated, yet he still faced issues with his refrigerators breaking down. Now, with consistent electricity from the solar plant, Souna no longer worries about power outages or fuel costs. His business is thriving, and he credits the solar farm for these improvements.

Gorou Banda Solar Farm: A Game-Changer for Niger’s Energy Sector

The benefits of the Gorou Banda Solar Farm extend beyond individuals. Niger’s Minister of Energy, Mahaman Moustapha Barké highlighted the plant's impact on improving the overall quality of service provided by Nigelec.

Subscribers in Niamey, Dosso, and Tillabéri are already seeing the difference in their electricity supply. The power station's 30MW capacity is proving to be a crucial asset, particularly in the context of the strained relationship with Nigeria.

Funding and Challenges

The construction of the Gorou Banda Solar Farm was a major project for Niger, costing around 20 billion CFA francs (30.4 million euros). This funding came from a mix of loans and grants, with the French Development Agency (AFD) providing a loan of 15.5 billion CFA francs.

The European Union also contributed a grant of 3.5 billion CFA francs. Despite the challenges posed by the coup — which delayed the full operational status of the plant — the solar farm is now playing a key role in reducing load shedding and ensuring a steady power supply.

For the residents of Niamey, Dosso, and Tillabéri, the Solar Project is a welcome relief from the power shortages they have endured for so long. With a more reliable electricity supply, communities are now able to thrive.

Students can study, businesses can operate, and families can live their lives without worrying about power cuts. The 30MW Gorou Banda Solar Farm is already making a difference, and its impact will only grow as Niger continues to develop its renewable energy sector.

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