July 20, 2024

Cyprus Installs Solar Panels at National Guard Camps

Cyprus will begin installing solar panels at National Guard camps and other military facilities starting in September 2024, aiming for completion by 2027. Defense Minister Vasilis Palmas announced that the 19 million euro project which is funded by European grants, aligns with the government’s policy to advance clean energy.

National Guard Camps to Go Solar by 2027

In a landmark move towards sustainable energy, Cyprus will begin installing solar panels at National Guard camps and other military facilities starting in September 2024; with a target completion date of 2027. Defense Minister Vasilis Palmas announced a Cabinet meeting in Nicosia on Wednesday, where the proposal for a partnership between the Ministry of Defense and the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) received official approval.

solar panels at National Guard camps

Solar panels at National Guard camps

The project which is valued at approximately 19 million euros, will be entirely funded by European grants. It involves the installation of photovoltaic systems at various National Guard camps and warehouses. “This initiative aligns with the government’s broader policy to advance clean energy, with the Ministry of Defense playing a key role in this ambitious plan,” stated Palmas.

The solar project is part of the larger "Thaleia" program, which aims to significantly reduce Cyprus’s carbon footprint and enhance its energy independence. The Ministry of Defense’s participation underscores the government's commitment to integrating renewable energy sources into critical infrastructure

405 Schools Transformed with Solar Power

In parallel to the military project, Cyprus has also completed a significant solar energy initiative in the education sector. Early this year, the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Youth (MoESY) and the Cyprus Electricity Authority (EAC) announced the successful completion of a project that installed photovoltaic systems in 405 schools across the country.

This comprehensive initiative included the installation of photovoltaic systems with a combined capacity of 4.9 MW; it also implemented thermal insulation measures across approximately 84,000 square meters of school buildings. Additionally, waterproofing measures were carried out in areas hosting the newly installed solar panels.

The project is anticipated to reduce energy consumption in schools by an impressive 30%, marking a significant stride towards environmental sustainability. Supported by the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Plan, the project was initially financed by the EAC; with subsequent reimbursement from the Ministry of Education.

Minister of Education, Sports, and Youth Prodromos Prodromou praised the project, saying, “This initiative is a testament to our commitment to providing sustainable and energy-efficient learning environments for our students. It also plays a crucial role in our broader environmental strategy.”

A Broader Commitment to Renewable Energy

Both the military and educational solar projects reflect a broader commitment by the Cypriot government to transition towards renewable energy sources. By implementing these initiatives, Cyprus aims to set a precedent in the Mediterranean region for sustainable practices.

The National Guard solar project is particularly notable for its scale and scope. With a budget of 19 million euros, the project will install state-of-the-art photovoltaic systems across multiple military facilities. It will also provide a reliable and sustainable source of energy. The initiative is expected to not only reduce the military’s operational costs but also contribute to the national goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Defense Minister Vasilis Palmas highlighted the strategic importance of the project, stating, “The installation of solar panels in National Guard camps is a critical step in our energy strategy. It ensures that our military facilities are more self-sufficient and less dependent on external energy sources.”

Looking forward, Cyprus plans to continue expanding its renewable energy initiatives. The success of these projects could pave the way for further investments in solar and other renewable energy sources across different sectors, including healthcare, transportation, and public administration.

As Cyprus continues to invest in renewable energy, it is poised to become a leader in sustainable practices; demonstrating the economic and environmental benefits of transitioning to clean energy sources. The successful implementation of these projects is a clear indicator of the nation’s commitment to a sustainable and energy-efficient future.

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