April 6, 2024

Erthos Signs 180-MW Solar Portfolio Deal with Sky Community Solar in Texas

Erthos — a solar technology firm headquartered in Arizona — has entered into a master agreement with Sky Community Solar (SCS) to develop a 180MW community solar portfolio in Texas, USA.

Projects Strategically Situated Near Texas Urban Areas

Erthos, Inc. — a major player in solar technology and the creator of Earth Mount Solar — revealed today that it has finalized a comprehensive deal with Sky Community Solar for a 180-megawatt collection in Texas.

These projects — varying between 9 MW and 18 MW in size — will be strategically situated close to Texas' primary urban areas. The commencement of construction for the initial project is scheduled for later this year, with the entire portfolio anticipated to be operational by the end of 2026.

Portfolio Enabled by Earth Mount Solar's Simplicity

Erthos was chosen for the portfolio because of the innovative design of its Earth Mount Solar technology, which positions the photovoltaic modules directly on the ground, eliminating the requirement for driven piles and steel tracking structures.

Sky Community Solar — a developer based in San Antonio — highlighted standardization as a key consideration in choosing Erthos. They pointed out that the repeatable and modular design of Earth Mount Solar is well-suited for a portfolio master agreement.

Moreover, its high energy density and minimal vertical profile help maximize land utilization, reduce visual disturbance, and streamline community approval procedures.

Dudy Levy, a Partner at Sky Community Solar, emphasized that the streamlined master agreement covering the entire portfolio was made possible only because of the uniform simplicity offered by Earth Mount Solar. 

Consistency Across All Sites Adds Value

Unlike tracker systems, where unique site-specific factors such as row spacing and subsurface conditions pose challenges, Erthos ensures consistency across all sites. “With tracker systems, site-specific factors like row spacing and subsurface conditions cause each site to be unique, making master agreements impractical. With Erthos, every site is the same.” Levy said.

Earth Mount Solar represents a groundbreaking transformation in the design of large-scale solar plants. By positioning the PV modules directly on the ground, it eliminates the necessity for driven piles and steel tracking structures.

This streamlined approach reduces both installation time and materials, simplifying operations and maintenance. Consequently, it achieves the lowest levelized cost of energy, empowering developers to optimize their project returns.

Cost-Effective and Unobtrusive Systems

Charles Pimentel, President of Erthos, remarked, "We're familiar with news reports of projects facing delays or cancellations due to community opposition, and we believe communities have valid concerns. Solar energy has the capacity to enhance lives globally, but it must be implemented in a manner that respects both the land and the residents."

"Erthos is an excellent fit for our community solar endeavors," Levy stated. "Their systems are both cost-efficient and unobtrusive, requiring minimal compromise from communities prioritizing clean energy. We're excited to introduce these projects to Texas."

Erthos' partnership with Sky Community Solar marks a significant milestone in advancing solar energy initiatives in Texas. Through the utilization of innovative Earth Mount Solar technology, this collaboration aims to deliver efficient and community-friendly solar solutions to the region. With construction slated to begin later this year, the portfolio is expected to be operational by the end of 2026, thereby offering a sustainable energy option that respects both the environment and local communities.

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