July 2, 2024

Gentari Renewables’ Maryvale Project features 172 MW Solar PV and 372 MWh Battery.

The Maryvale Solar Farm, featuring a 172 MW solar installation and a 172 MW / 372 MWh battery energy storage system, has secured a long-term energy service agreement via NSW's fourth tender under the Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap. This initiative aligns with the state's transition away from coal-fired power generation.

New Projects Awarded in Aussie State's Energy Roadmap

The projects were selected in the fourth round of the Australian state's Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap, initiated last November with the aim of contracting 3,000 GWh of new generation. Only two projects were chosen as winners and both will receive Long-Term Energy Service Agreements (LTESAs), offering protection against future price risks.

The selected projects include a wind farm nearing commissioning and a hybrid solar project with a battery energy storage component, as reported by AEMO Services, the NSW Consumer Trustee responsible for the tenders.

"Alongside the four long-duration storage infrastructure projects that have also received support, significant strides are being made in advancing NSW’s forthcoming energy system." aid AEMO Services’ executive general manager, Nevenka Codevelle.

Nevenka Codevelle, AEMO Services Executive General Manager, acknowledged that while the latest tender round results highlight the ongoing need to secure renewable projects for transitioning the state’s coal-dependent energy system, there is a notable momentum building within the market.

"These two projects are valuable additions to an already robust pipeline of supported projects throughout NSW. However, it's evident that securing additional investments, potentially at or near record levels through 2030 and beyond, is crucial to achieving our targets and ensuring a dependable supply of cleaner, more affordable electricity for NSW consumers." Said Nevenka Codevelle, AEMO Services Executive General Manager.

Gentari Renewables Australia to Develop the Solar Farm

The first project is the Maryvale solar farm and battery energy storage system, being developed by Gentari Renewables Australia, a subsidiary of Malaysia’s state-owned oil company Petronas. Located near Wellington, approximately 50 kilometers southeast of Dubbo, the project is expected to be operational by 2028.

The second successful project is Iberdrola's Flyers Creek wind farm near Orange, with a capacity of 140 MW. Developed by the Spanish company, it has completed construction and is set to become operational this year.

NSW Plans 12 GW Renewable Generation and 2 GW Storage

As New South Wales moves away from coal-fired generation, it aims to support the private sector in installing a minimum of 12 GW of new renewable electricity generation and 2 GW of long-duration storage. In its third LTESAs tender, the state allocated 750 MW for wind and solar projects, along with 524 MW for long-duration energy storage projects, all scheduled to come online by 2028.

Gentari Renewables' Maryvale Projects represent significant milestones in New South Wales' renewable energy transition. These projects, supported by long-term energy service agreements, underscore the state's commitment to reducing reliance on coal-fired power and advancing toward a cleaner, more sustainable energy future. With plans to expand renewable generation and storage capacity, NSW is poised to meet its ambitious energy targets, paving the way for a greener and more resilient electricity system for years to come.

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