Chile Solar Report

Gain comprehensive insights into the statistics and metrics surrounding the solar production industry in Chile

Key points

  • All figures have been converted into USD

Yearly sunshine (sun hours per year)

Sunshine Duration

Chile, the world’s longest country, has varying sunshine hours in different regions, with an average of 3285 hours per year or 9 hours per day.

Solar radiation

Chile’s average Direct Solar Radiation is 2506 kWh/m2 per year or 6.9 kWh/m2 per day.

It is the highest 3,800 kWh/m2 per year or, 10.4 kWh/m2 per day in the Atacama Desert.

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kWh per kWp installed

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Average cost per kWh from utility company

The price of electricity for households in USD was 17.5 cents per kWh, and for businesses, it was 13.3 cents per kWh in December 2023.

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Reliability of electrical power supply grid

Chile’s electrical grid has a System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) of 3.4 hours and a System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) of 1.34, indicating moderate reliability with relatively few and brief power outages.

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Detailed Information

  • All figures have been converted into USD
  • Total solar panel production capacity (installed)

    Total installed photovoltaic (PV) capacity in Chile was 8.36 GW in 2023.

    Total solar panel production capacity (projected)

    The Chile Solar Energy market in installed base is expected to grow from 8.40 GW in 2024 to 21.61 GW by 2029, at a CAGR of 20.80%.

    Average costs of various electricity generation sources (coal, natural gas, solar, etc)

    The average cost of electricity produced by different sources in Chile was estimated by IMF in 2020 as follows:

    • Coal: 9.7 cents
    • Oil: 9.7 cents
    • Natural Gas: 7.9 cents
    • Biofuels: 5.4 cents
    • Hydro: 4.6 cents
    • Wind: 3.4 cents
    • Solar: 3.4 cents

    Percentages of various electricity generation sources (coal, natural gas, solar, etc)

    In Chile, the energy production landscape is diverse, with hydropower leading at 28.59% (23.90 TWh) of the total energy mix. Solar energy contributes significantly as well, accounting for 19.91% (16.65 TWh), followed by gas at 18.53% (15.49 TWh) and coal at 16.70% (13.96 TWh). Wind energy provides 11.82% (9.88 TWh), while oil and other renewables make up smaller portions at 3.96% (3.31 TWh) and 0.50% (0.42 TWh) respectively.(2023)

    Energy Source Production (TWh) Percentage
    Hydropower 23.9 28.59%
    Solar 16.65 19.91%
    Gas 15.49 18.53%
    Coal 13.96 16.70%
    Wind 9.88 11.82%
    Oil 3.31 3.96%
    Other renewables 0.42 0.50%

    Projected Renewable Energy:

    The 2022 National Energy Policy sets targets of 80% of the electricity mix from renewables in 2030 (60% from non-conventional renewables) and 100% zero emissions in 2050.

    Average daily availability of electricity from the national grid (measured in hours)

    The average number of electricity supply interruptions, reported by the distribution companies, reached 14.53 hours in 2022.

    SAIDI and SAIFI indicate that each customer in Chile faces 3.4 hours of power outages and  1.34 times interruptions per year.

    Number of residential solar panel installations

    Chile produced 220 MW out of the 8400 MW of cumulative installed PV capacity in 2023 from residential installations which is 3% of the total solar production.

    Rooftop PV installations under the nation’s net-billing regime have reached 19,730 projects.

    Total number of solar farms (installed and projected)


    There are 30 large-scale solar power plants in Chile.

    According to the official website Generadoras, there are 1635 operational Solar farms in 7 regions of Chile.


    According to the official website Generadoras, there are 1056 Solar farms under construction and 239 under test in 7 regions of Chile.

    Off-grid market demand for solar panels (current and projected)

    No data found

    On-grid market demand for solar panels (current and projected)

    The Chile Solar Energy market in terms of installed base is expected to grow from 8.40 GW in 2024 to 21.61 GW by 2029, at a CAGR of 20.80%.

    Average monthly income of workers in solar industry (labor cost)

    • The average salary of a solar engineer in Chile is 22,552 USD per year (1879 USD per month).
    • The average salary of a solar installer in Chile is 14,740 USD per year  (1228 USD per month).

    Population of the country

    The current population of Chile is 19,660,659 as of Tuesday, July 23, 2024.

    Average overhead costs of solar panel production (with a brief breakdown)

    Using data from 400 + commercial and office properties, the average rent for factory and office is estimated to be:

    • Estimate for Factory Rent: 07 USD /m2/month.
    • Estimate for Office Rent: 2 USD /m2/month.

    Industrial Electricity Rates: 13.3 cents per kWh.

    Water Costs: The cost in Santiago de Chile is 1.23 USD/m3 (drinking water is 0.59 USD/m3 and wastewater is 0.65 USD/m3.

    Key Components of Administrative Costs

    Salaries and Wages:

    • The average salary of a solar engineer in Chile is 22,552 USD per year (1879 USD per month).
    • The average salary of a solar installer in Chile is 14,740 USD per year (1228 USD per month).

    Estimate for Office Rent: 40.2 USD /m2/month

    Insurance: On average, each person in Chile is expected to spend US$117.50 on the Property Insurance market in 2024.

    A summary of the energy infrastructure

    • Total installed electricity generation capacity:2 GW in 2023.
    • Total generation: 83.61TWh
    • Total consumption: not found
    • Per capita consumption: 4259 kWh
    • Generation mix:

    In Chile, the energy production landscape is diverse, with hydropower leading at 28.59% (23.90 TWh) of the total energy mix. Solar energy contributes significantly as well, accounting for 19.91% (16.65 TWh), followed by gas at 18.53% (15.49 TWh) and coal at 16.70% (13.96 TWh). Wind energy provides 11.82% (9.88 TWh), while oil and other renewables make up smaller portions at 3.96% (3.31 TWh) and 0.50% (0.42 TWh) respectively. (2023)

    Leading players:

    The main companies involved, in terms of installed capacity, are the following:

    • Enel Generación Chile.
    • AES Andes.
    • Colbún.
    • E.E. Guacolda.
    • Pacific Hydro.

    Transmission & Distribution

    Chile’s power generation is divided into four main grids: the northern SING (19%), the central SIC (68.5%), Aysén (0.3%), and Magallanes (0.8%).

    All systems come under The National Electricity System (SEN), born in 2017, it is 38,629 km of Transmission system lines (from Arica to Chiloé) providing electricity to 98.5% of the population.

    Leading Players taking part in the transmission and distribution of electricity are Transelec, Celeo, Engie Chile, Transemel,TEN, Saesa Group, Kimal_Lo Agirre Connection, Atlantic,Ferrovial, Isa InterChile, and many others.

    Major power plants in Chile

    Thermal Power Plants:

    Major thermal power plants in Chile running on coal and fossil fuels are the following:

    Ventanas Power Plant

    • Capacity: 875 MW
    • Technology: Coal Powered
    • Build in 1964

    Kelar Power Station

    • Capacity: 517 MW
    • Location: Mejillones, Antofagasta, Chile
    • Technology: Combined Cycle Gas Turbine

    San Isidro Power Station

    • Capacity: 751 MW
    • Location: Valparaíso Region, Chile
    • Operator: Enel Generación Chile S.A
    • Technology: Combined Cycle

    Angamos Power Plant

    • Capacity: 528 MW
    • Location: Mejillones, Antofagasta Region, Chile
    • Technology: Coal-fired power plant with a combined cycle configuration.


    The five largest hydropower plants currently in operation in Chile are as follows:


    • Capacity: 690 MW
    • Location: Bio Bio, Chile
    • Operation Date: 2004
    • Developed By: Enel Generacion Chile


    • Capacity: 570 MW
    • Location: Maule, Chile
    • Operation Date: 1991
    • Developed By: Endesa


    • Capacity: 474 MW
    • Location: Maule, Chile
    • Operation Date: 1985
    • Developed By: Colbun


    • Capacity: 467 MW
    • Location: Bio Bio, Chile
    • Operation Date: 1996
    • Developed By: Enel Generacion Chile

    El Toro

    • Capacity: 450 MW
    • Location: Bio Bio, Chile
    • Operation Date: 1973
    • Developed By: Enel Generacion Chile

    Wind energy Farms:

    Cabo Leones Wind Farm

    • Capacity:60 MW
    • Location: Atacama, Chile
    • Commission Date: 2017

    Malleco Wind Farm

    • Capacity: 273 MW
    • Location: Araucania, Chile
    • Commission Date: 2020

    San Juan Wind Farm

    • Capacity:80 MW
    • Location: Atacama, Chile
    • Commission Date: 2017

    San Gabriel Wind Farm

    • Capacity: 183 MW
    • Location: Araucania, Chile
    • Commission Date: 2019

    Sarco Wind Farm

    • Capacity: 170 MW
    • Location: Atacama, Chile
    • Commission Date: 2019

    Energy Imports:

    In the year 2023, Chile has spent 4385 million USD on imports related to energy sector.

    Some of the government regulations surrounding solar panel production

    In Chile, solar panel manufacturers must adhere to specific international certifications to ensure product safety and efficiency. Key certifications include:

    • IEC 61215: Covers design and performance testing of solar panels, ensuring they can withstand environmental conditions like rain, hail, wind, and high temperatures.
    • IEC 61730: Focuses on the safety aspects of PV modules, including electrical insulation and protection against electric shock.
    • UL 1703: Set by Underwriters Laboratories, this certification pertains to the safety standards for flat-plate photovoltaic panels and modules.
    • ISO 9001: A quality management standard demonstrating a company’s commitment to quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
    • MCS (Microgeneration Certification Scheme): Certifies small-scale renewable energy products, including solar panels and inverters.
    • CE Mark: Indicates compliance with health, safety, and environmental protection standards for products sold within the European Economic Area (EEA).

    Government initiatives in solar panel production (includes investments and subsidies)

    Chile has set an ambitious goal of converting 70% of its total energy consumption to renewables by 2030 and pledged to become carbon neutral by 2050.

    Investment: Chile launched a USD 800 million solar energy initiative in 2016 to boost innovation, local industry, and the shift from fossil fuels to solar power, particularly in mining.

    Net Metering: Net metering in Chile, established in 2014, allows PV systems up to 100 kW to receive bill credits for electricity fed back into the grid.

    Notable solar projects in the country (installed and projected)

    Atacama Desert Solar PV Park (CEME1)

    • Capacity: 480 MW
    • Location: Antofagasta, Chile
    • Constructor: Power China
    • Operation Start: 2024

    Guanchoi Solar PV Power Project

    • Capacity: 398 MW
    • Location: Atacama, Chile
    • Operator: Enel Green Power Chile
    • Operation Start: 2023

    Campos del Sol Solar PV Power Project

    • Capacity: 375 MW
    • Location: Atacama, Chile
    • Operator: Enel Green Power Chile
    • Operation Start: 2023

    Escondido Solar PV Park

    • Capacity: 293 MW
    • Location: Atacama, Chile
    • Operator: Andes Mainstream
    • Operation Start: 2021

    Finis Terrae Solar PV Park

    • Capacity: 286 MW
    • Location: Antofagasta, Chile
    • Operator: Ingenostrum Chile; Helio Atacama Uno; Helio Atacama Dos (with equity stakes from Enel Green Power Chile)
    • Operation Start: 2021

    Cerro Dominador solar power plant

    • Capacity: 110 MW
    • Location: Atacama Desert, Chile
    • Technology: Uses concentrated solar power (CSP) technology

    Projected Solar Projects

    HOASIS Solar PV Park

    • Capacity: 3,000 MW
    • Location: Antofagasta, Chile
    • Company: TCI Gecomp
    • Timeline: Expected to be operational by 2026

    HYEX Solar PV Park

    • Capacity: 2,000 MW
    • Location: Antofagasta, Chile
    • Company: Engie
    • Timeline: Expected to be operational by 2026

    Inti Pacha Solar PV Park

    • Capacity: 925 MW
    • Location: Antofagasta, Chile
    • Company: Colbun
    • Timeline: Expected to be operational by 2024

    Alfa Solar PV Park I

    • Capacity: 854 MW
    • Location: Antofagasta, Chile
    • Company: Atlas Renewable Energy Chile (developed by Pleiades)
    • Timeline: Expected to be operational by 2023

    ERNC Antofagasta Solar PV Park

    • Capacity:30 MW
    • Location: Antofagasta, Chile
    • Company: Ibereolica ERNC Antofagasta
    • Timeline: Expected to be operational by 2025

    AES has announced plans for a new solar-plus-storage project in Chile, featuring a capacity of 764 MW.

    • Project Type: Solar and energy storage
    • Location: Chile
    • Capacity: 764 MW
    • Timeline: Expected to be operational by 2025
    • Company: AES Corporation

    Some of the notable solar companies (plus brief details on what they do)

    • Enel Green Power 
      Enel Green Power is a major player in the Chilean renewable energy market, developing and managing solar PV projects such as the Guanchoi Solar PV Power Project and Campos del Sol Solar PV Power Project. They focus on utility-scale solar plants.
    • Acciona Energía

    A global leader in renewable energy, Acciona Energía is heavily invested in Chile’s solar market, developing and operating large-scale solar power plants.

    • Trina Solar 
      Trina Solar is a global leader in photovoltaic modules, solutions, and services. In Chile, they are involved in supplying solar panels and related equipment for various projects.
    • First Solar 
      Specializing in photovoltaic solar systems, First Solar is active in the development and operation of solar energy plants in Chile. They are known for their advanced thin-film modules.
    • Mainstream Renewable Power 
      This company develops renewable energy projects, including large-scale solar and wind farms. In Chile, they are involved in projects like the Escondido Solar PV Park.
    • Sonnedix 
      Sonnedix is focused on developing, building, and operating solar power plants. In Chile, they are constructing significant projects such as the Sonnedix Atacama Solar PV plant.
    • Engie Energía Chile
      A subsidiary of the French multinational Engie, this company operates the Coya Solar Plant, among other projects. They are also developing battery storage solutions to complement their solar installations.
    • Verano Energy 
      Verano Energy specializes in developing and managing solar PV projects in Chile. They work on various projects, including rooftop and utility-scale installations.
    • Repsol Ibereólica Renovables 
      This joint venture is active in developing renewable energy projects in Chile, including the Elena photovoltaic plant. They focus on leveraging solar energy for electricity generation.

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In 2021, the global market size of solar power was valued at 167.83 billion USD, and it is projected to grow from 234.86 billion USD in 2022 to 373.84 billion USD by 2029, exhibiting a CAGR of 6.9% during the forecast period.

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